Delivering QualityAnd Nutrition
Established Since 1889
Food is life. Wheat flour is often the life of the food. Wallace produces high quality, safe and nutritious flour that truly flowers the health of its consumers. As a pioneering and a leading flour mill based in central India,
The quality of the products that the company deals in, is as per the requirement of the customer. The products are made to undergo stringent quality check before they reach the market for final consumption.
The purpose of business is not to keep a customer , but to keep a customer satisfied . Taking it as milestone we at Wallace Flour Mills Co. Pvt. Ltd. Unit- Central India Flour Mills are committed towards continual improvement in QUALITY.
Wallace Flour Mills
We are extremely well regarded and known for its dedication to providing a quality and wholesome product that adheres to the strictest controls on quality
- 0755-2551023-25
- gen@wallaceflourmills.com
- cifm@wallaceflourmills.com
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