Company Profile
Wallace Flour Mills Co. Pvt. Ltd. Unit- Central India Flour Mills, was commissioned in 1956. Situated in the wheat growing region of central India, it has distinguished itself as one of the oldest and leading flour mills in the region. Committed to delivering high quality and customer service, CIFM’s brand Camel has made great headway in the hearts and minds of its customers. A fact supported by the ever growing band of loyal clientele.
The company’s unit at Bhopal, namely Central India Flour Mills was commissioned in 1956. Situated in the wheat growing region of Central India, it is one of the leading flour mills in the region and has a loyal and growing clientele that have always been satisfied by the quality of its products and service. Here is a brief summary of the company profile :
- Established in 1889 By Rao Bahadur Vissanji Khimji
- Pioneers of the Flour Milling Industry
- First to introduce bulk storage of wheat in concrete silos in India in 1937
- First to introduce Bulk storage of flour and automatic rapid packing in India in 1962
- Chairman and Managing Director Shri Hemant P Vissanji
Wallace Flour Mills
We are extremely well regarded and known for its dedication to providing a quality and wholesome product that adheres to the strictest controls on quality
- 0755-2551023-25
- gen@wallaceflourmills.com
- cifm@wallaceflourmills.com
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