Quality Assurance
The quality of the products that the company deals in, is as per the requirement of the customer. The products are made to undergo stringent quality check before they reach the market for final consumption. Laboratory is the focal point of the quality control system, which analyses samples from each stream of production line, and keeps check on quality of products. The quality of products is appreciated and has earned the goodwill of clients, who keep reverting to with repeated business deals. At Wallace Flour Mills, everyone puts in his 100 % efforts to deliver the best to esteemed customers, as “Quality, a way of life”.
The purpose of business is not to keep a customer, but to keep a customer satisfied. Taking it as a milestone we at CENTRAL INDIA FLOUR MILLS are committed towards continual improvement in QUALITY levels of our products. Our perception of QUALITY and SAFE products is to meet and excel customer expectations.
QC Lab
Wallace Flour Mills Co. Pvt. Ltd. Unit- Central India Flour Mills, houses a state of the art Laboratory which ensures that the final product is of optimum quality. It also ensures that the product is as per the client's requirement. Latest machines and equipments are used to test the final product. Our lab staff is well versed in the practices of Wheat Flour Testing.
Wallace Flour Mills
We are extremely well regarded and known for its dedication to providing a quality and wholesome product that adheres to the strictest controls on quality
- 0755-2551023-25
- gen@wallaceflourmills.com
- cifm@wallaceflourmills.com
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